We would like to bring to your attention a very important event coming to Idaho Falls - virtually!
REDI, in partnership with the State of Idaho PTAC and SBDC Offices, will be hosting the 2020 SBIR Road Tour. This is an annual event - known as the Rockies Road Tour - which several states (Montana, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming) hold individual state meetings with federal agencies over a 4-day period. REDI, PTAC and SBDC Offices will be hosting this years SBIR Road Tour event, and every year thereafter. This event normally takes place in person, but due to COVID-19, the event will be held virtually. Small businesses engaged in high-growth research and development (R&D) will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with managers from Washington DC Federal Agencies.
The SBIR Road Tour is a national outreach effort for Entrepreneurs, Small Tech Firms and Innovators - working on advanced technologies - to have the opportunity to connect to the country's largest source of early stage funding - the SBIR/STTR Programs. Also known as America's Seed Fund, the SBIR/STTR Programs provide over $3.7 billion in funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas. The $3.7 billion in funding is non-dilutive federal technology funding. SBIR - stands for Small Business Innovative Research and STTR - stands for Small Business Technology Transfer Research.
Each SBIR Road Tour stop will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear directly from the participating federal agency program managers that administer over 5,500 new awards annually and to meet one-on-one with program decision makers.
The SBIR Idaho Falls Tour will be held virtually on Monday, August 10th and Tuesday, August 11th. Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Researchers or Small Technology Companies will be able to meet one-on-one (virtually) with program managers from:
The following represents this years scheduled events for Idaho. Pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact Teresa McKnight at tmcknight@rediconnects.org
Monday, August 10, 2020
8:45 - 9:00 am Sign into virtual lobby
9:00 - 9:15 am Introduction, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
9:15 - 10:00 am Getting Started with SBIR/STTR (Description: New to the world of
SBIR/STTR? This panel will answer questions about how to get started, agency
pre-requisites, required registrations, nuances between granting and contracting
agencies, etc. Moderator: Jennifer Shieh, Chief Scientist and Senior Technology
Policy Advisory, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Panelists include
Program Mangers from SBIR Participating Agencies
10:00 - 10:15 am: Break
10:15 - 11:00 am: Success in Phase I - Moving to Phase II and Beyond (Description: This panel will
answer questions about agency nuances in moving from Phase I to Phase II and on to Phase III; what do companies that make successful transitions look like? What milestones do the agencies look for in each transition? How important are letters of support? What supplements are available? Do they make use of Technology and Business Assistance (TABA)? Moderator: Eric Page-Littleford, Senior Technology Policy Advisory, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) a Panelists include program Managers from SBIR Participating Agencies
12:00/noon to 12:15 pm: Break
12:15 - 1:00 pm USPTO (Presenter: David Le, Assistant Regional Director - Rock Mountain
Regional Office)
1:00 - 1:15 pm Break
1:15 - 1:30 pm Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) (Presenter: David Kistin, Program
Leader, Small Business Vouchers Pilot at Sandia National Lab
Attendees will log out of virtual lobby and connect to Idaho ZOOM meeting for presentations by Statewide Idaho Organizations/Programs.
1:45 to 5:00 pm Idaho ZOOM meeting presentations
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Idaho Entrepreneurs, Small Tech Firms and Innovators will meet individually with Federal Program Managers. These meetings require pre-registration and preparation.
Additional Information:
The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive United States Government non-dilutive funding source, coordinated by the Small Business Administration. It is intended to encourage domestic small businesses to engage in high-growth research and development (R&D). Funding takes the form of contracts or grants and the awardee projects must have the potential for commercialization while meeting specific U.S. Government R&D requirements.
The SBIR program was created to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds in critical American priorities to build a strong national economy. In the words of program founder Roland Tibbets: "to provide funding for some of the best early-stage innovation ideas - ideas that, however promising, are still too high risk for private investors, including venture capital firms."
For the purposes of the SBIR program, the term "small business" is defined as a for-profit business with few than 500 employees, owned by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the United States of America. Funds are obtained by allocating a certain percentage of the total extramural (R&D) budgets of the 11 federal agencies with extramural research budgets in excess of $100 million. Approximately $3.7 billion is awarded through the program each year with each agency administering its own individual program within the guidelines established by Congress.
Please do not hesitate to contact Teresa if you have questions or require additional information, and please pass along this important event so interested parties, who meet the qualifications, may have an opportunity to participate.