Scammers are using the Small Business Administration (SBA) name to con small businesses and individuals during the COVID-19 crisis through phone calls, emails, text messages and letters.
Please note:
- If you are contacted by someone claiming to be from the SBA, suspect fraud.
- Emails from SBA or other legitimate government agencies will always end in gov
- There is not cost to apply for a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan and SBA will never ask you to provide a credit card.
- Do not release any private information (social security number, date of birth, etc.) or banking information in response to an unsolicited caller, letter, email or text
- If you are in the process of applying for an SBA loan and receive email correspondence asking for PII, ensure that the referenced application number is consistent with your application number.
- An SBA logo on an email or webpage does not guarantee the information is accurate of from the SBA.
- Check for spelling and grammatical errors in an email and be wary of clicking on any links or attachments.
- For help with applying for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan, call 800-659-2955 or email
- You can also use a text telephone (TTY) by calling 1-800-877-8339.
- For inquires regarding support for small businesses, send an email to
Visit the Small Business Cybersecurity site to learn more about Small Business Cybersecurity tips, common threats, training, and best practices at