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Application period opens for three INL K-12 STEM Grants

INL News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 11, 2019 NEWS MEDIA CONTACTS: Sarah Neumann,, 208-526-0490 Lori McNamara,, 208-526-1508 Application period opens for three INL K-12 STEM Grants The application period for three available K-12 STEM education grants will open on Tuesday, Oct. 15. These grants are available to Idaho educators in regions 5 and 6. INL will award grants on behalf of its operator, Battelle Energy Alliance. Idaho National Laboratory’s K-12 STEM program looks to cultivate the eastern Idaho STEM landscape by leveraging partnerships and resources to grow STEM opportunities for all. The program seeks to align future workforce needs with STEM education in eastern Idaho. Over the past decade, INL has awarded nearly $5 million to support STEM education in Idaho. INL will accept proposals in three categories. Additional out-of-school and STEM competition grants will be made available in early 2020. All grant applications can be submitted through the website. The application period closes Nov. 15. Gov. C.L. ‘Butch’ and First Lady Lori Otter INL/BEA STEM Impact Grant  One $15,000 STEM Impact Grant, named in recognition of the legacy of STEM education support in Idaho by former governor and first lady Otter, will be presented to a team of educators. Partnering with community, business or industry is encouraged. The grant will provide full or partial support for an innovative, collaborative and sustainable STEM project that will integrate STEM concepts into a school and have demonstrable impact on eastern Idaho students. This grant can be used to fund training, materials and supplies, educator stipends, or other resources related to completion of the project. A recipient will be chosen on the basis of the overall impact of their proposed project and its alignment with grant requirements. At least one team member should be available to receive the grant check at INL’s Annual Holiday Reception on the evening of Dec. 4, 2019. Classroom Grant  Up to 10 awards worth a maximum of $1,500 each will be presented to educators or administrators for funding to improve student understanding of and learning experiences in STEM. Awards will be granted for innovative projects in STEM subjects. This grant seeks proposals that support innovative student-centered projects and experiential learning at the classroom level. The funding should be used to cover needed project materials, admission fees, and/or travel for a field trip.  Community STEM and Career Awareness Grant  Up to 10 awards worth a maximum of $750 each will be presented to publicly funded and nonprofit organizations wishing to host a community STEM event focused on raising awareness about STEM education and career options. The event needs to target not only students, but also their parents/guardians and the community at large. The event could focus specifically on math or science, or it could celebrate STEM in general. Priority will be given to organizations holding events in underserved communities including rural and Spanish-speaking populations. Additional points will be awarded to applications that address these specific underserved populations. Applications that note they have a Spanish-speaking staff or community member willing to commit to the project and assist with the event will earn extra points on review. Eligibility includes publicly funded educational organizations such as schools, libraries, after-school educational programs or educational nonprofits/community centers. INL is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development. Day-to-day management and operation of the laboratory is the responsibility of Battelle Energy Alliance.  See more INL news at Follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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