Banking and Finance plays a major role in Eastern Idaho’s economy. It is a section of the economy devoted to the holding of financial assets for others and investing those financial assets as a leveraged way to create more wealth.
Eastern Idaho’s banking and finance industry has a large employment base. The industry is home to a growing sector of banking and financial institutions:
Eastern Idaho’s banking and finance Institutions continue to remain on the cutting-edge of product offerings and regulations to ease the burdens placed on businesses. From 24/7 mobile banking - to mobile wallet and banking through video chat - you can have a face-to-face conversation with a financial service representative no matter where you are.
With a competitive advantage of having access to a well-educated workforce and cutting-edge infrastructure, Eastern Idaho has the industry expertise and know-how in banking and financial services, making Eastern Idaho an ideal location for any type of business, including FinTech Companies.
These are just a few companies that to continue to build this sector in the region.